Most of you already know my dear friend Jennifer, from Jennifer Terrero Photography. We met just a year ago while we were both attending a Julie Paisley Photography workshop in Orlando. Have you ever met someone that makes you feel like you’ve known them forever and that person turns out to be your soul mate? That’s exactly what happened to us. I love Jennifer and consider her to be one of my best friends!
Back in May she contacted me to book a photo session for her family along with her mother and sisters. As we were going back and forth on the dates, she secretly told me that she was expecting her third baby and wanted to reveal the wonderful news to her family in a special way. I felt so honored to be chosen for such a private and special occasion. Here is the little reveal session that we managed to squeeze in during the family session.
* The family is already so cute and will be even more so once the new baby arrives *

carolina - so cute!
Anne J - Love the family silhouette!
Fernanda Mourão - No comments…just Perfect!!:)
nina - Eu acho essa lindinha uma linda!!! Olha os cabelos e o olho dela!!! amei as fotos Cris….
Congrats Jennifer 😉