This is Zac at 10 days old. We actually started shooting this session when he was only 5 days old but because of bad weather, as those of you who have been in South Florida during the summer months know very well, we were unable to finish the beach pictures until a few days later. Let me tell you that this cute little peanut was a rock star. I have so many favorites I don’t even know where to begin.

Fernanda Mourao - Love it!
Tati Luz - WOW! Zach is a cutie with huge hands 🙂 Cris, your work is absolutely wonderful!
Priscila Barreto - Nosso pequeno foi um rock star mesmo!!! Estou babando nas fotos!!! Lindas Cris! Thank you!!
Jorge Fonseca - Meu netinho e muito lindo mesmo!
Luana Gabriella - These pictures are so adorable!! Love the ones that his wearing the colorful beanies.. super cute.
Great job 😉
daddy - So cute daddy
Julia Oliveira - As fotos estao lindas e com um modelo desse nao podia ser melhor!! 🙂
Priscila - All the pictures are absolutely ADORABLE! <3
Eloina Cruvinel - I am in love. The pictures are GORGEOUS! Zac is so so so cute and your work is great. Congrats!
Leonardo Marra - Love the pictures!
Alice Nascimento - Beautiful pics! I can’t even pic a favorite, they’re all gorgeous!!
Anne J - OMG, I love all the images, especially the one with daddy and baby!!
Uncle - Beautiful pictures!!! I love the family portrait!
Jammili Freitas - Zac is sooo cute! Pri and Junior God bless this beautfiul family!!!
Junior - Excellente job Cris Passos. You´re very talented!!! Congratulations Priscila and Júnior !!!
Carolyn P. - Beautiful, beautiful!!!
ana paula - coisa mais fofa!!!
Ane Francco - Maravilhoso seu trabalho!! parabéns!!
Patricia - meu sobrinho e muito lindo!!! Love the pics!!!
Valdicy - Vovo curuja ta aqui babando nas fotos!!! Lindo trabalho Cris!
Carolina - These pictures are beautiful. What a great looking family. The little guy is precious : )
Flavia g - Gostosinho da titia!! Love the pic!
carla - Coisa mais fofa da Tia!!
Fabiana - OHH I can’t wait to meet you Zac. You are so adorable! bjao Pri e Junior
Tati Marinho - QUE LIIIINNDOOO! Estou completamente apaixonada por essa criaturinha linda! As fotos ficaram maravilhosas!
Luciana - He’s so ADORABLE!!! tou apaixonada and I can’t wait to meet him…As fotos ficaram lindas!!!
simonia gomes - Eu nunca vi coisa igual simplismente lindas, que fotos maravilhosa, e essa crianca parece que foi feita pincel.e muito lindo a titia vo ta encantada meu baby com voce to com vontade de volta pra um monte de beijossssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Ticiano Ramos Menezes - Esse meu sobrinho ja ta com cara de sapequinha ate dormindo!
Stephanie - My favorite is picture 6! Soooo cuuuute! luv it
Dalva Oliveira - Great Job. the pictures look wonderful!!! and the model is a cuttie pie!!!!
Genilce Guimaraes - Congratulations mommy and daddy! You guys are so blessed! He’s a little angel! <3
Titia Ge 🙂
Elle Fonseca - my little peanut nephew so cute!!!!!! i love him!!!!! 🙂
Elle Fonscea - my little peanut nephew so cute!!!!!! i love him!!!!!
Elle Fonscea - my little peanut nephew so cute!!!!!! i love him!!!!
Bella - This baby is so adorable and the pics are amazing.
Hannah - oh my gosh!! gorgeous pictures! he is the sweetest thing ever! I can’t wait to see him again.
Auntie Hannah
Juliana Reigal - Awesome pictures! Blessed family. Little Zac really rocks 😉 we love it! Uncle Gary and Tia Ju :))
Erina - Lindo demais gente!!!! Como que pode? As fotos ficaram fantasticas… Parabéns!!!!
Tinho - Pri, o Zac é lindo hein? Que meninão! Vai ser grande igual ao pai. Vcs podem trazer ele aqui em Paracas logo. Tem uma família inteira para mimar ele. Abs…
Elionay - Pri, que lindo do Zac e que fotos! Vai ser modelo igual a Nicole. Traz ele para o Brasil para trabalhar aqui com o tio Nay. Ele e a Nicole vão me deixar rico. rs
Bjos para família toda.