I must say I love them!!! She is my husband’s little cousin. When I first met her a loooong time ago she was this pretty little girl, the years passed and she has turned into this beautiful woman. Last year she got married to Bart and they came to the US to spend their honeymoon. You can see they were made for each other!!! They spent some time with us and that’s when we really got closer. My kids fell in love with them (and who wouldn’t?) they are fun, sweet… I could spend the day talking about them. Last week they came to visit us again. We had such an amazing week….how could I not photograph their love??? Yesterday they returned to Brazil and already we miss them so much. Lia, Bart, we are waiting for your next visit…meanwhile, I hope you enjoy your pictures!

Lia - Cris… Que mensagem mais linda!! We also felt in love with you and your family!!! Nos nos aproximamos e eu sou muito feliz por isso!! Como ja te disse gostamos MUITO de voce!!! We miss you too allready… And see you next time!!! Espero que seja logo logo!!! MUITO obrigada por tudo!!! Pelo o carinho, hospedagem, cuidado… Obrigada pelas as LINDAS fotos… Nem preciso dizer que I am so proud about your work!! Vc merece todas as coisas boas!! Um beijo enorme!!!!!!!! Saudade!!!
Bartolomeu lins - Cris, nos agradecemos a hospitalidade. Muito obrigado por tudo e muito sucesso!!! Co minha esposa falou nos tambem adotamos passar a semana ai!!! Grande abraco, Bart.