
South Florida and Boca Raton Babies Portrait Photographer | Discovering…

It is just amazing to see a baby grow, how do they discover their sounds, their hands, their feet … 5 months already, the time goes really fast, so Fe and Dudu enjoy every moment of your little gift!


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March 22, 2011 - 11:10 pm

FERNANDA - Amiga, o tempo passa muito rápido mesmo! E a evolução a cada dia do meu pequeno só me deixa mais apaixonada e grata a Deus por esse presente na minha vida!! Muito obrigada por estar fazendo parte desse momento mágico e por estar registrando tudo isso. Será inesquecível! Mais uma vez parabéns pelo excelente trabalho! 🙂

Boca Raton Children’s Portrait Photographer 7 Years Old | HAPPY BIRTHDAY

March 17th, 7 years ago my big boy was born, and I’m so lucky to be his mom, he is the sweetest and lovely kid, and as you can notice I am a very proud mom… VJ I wish you a Happy Birthday with all my love… Also I would like to wish to all my friends a very lucky day, Happy St Patricks Day!!!!


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June 6, 2011 - 11:40 am

nina - que bolo lindo!!!!

Boca Raton Outdoor Family Portrait Photographer. 5 and 7 Years Old. | Family Spring Session

Last weekend my husband’s brother and his wife came to Florida to spend some time with us. On Sunday my sister-in-law booked an outdoor portrait session and she picked a really cool place: The Girls – a strawberry farm near my house. It was a beautiful day outside and the farm was amazing. The kids loved it and had lots o fun!!!


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Play Time | Boca Raton Outdoor Children’s Portrait Photographer.

Last Friday I get the kids and we went to a park near our house to have some tennis lessons, after one hour the kids asked me: “mom if we are really good can we go to the playground?” Then we spent some time at the playground and had lots of fun and I even had the opportunity to take great pics!!!



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March 9, 2011 - 8:28 pm

Nina Cavalcante - Cris, estou muito orgulhosa de voce com ess trabalho fantastico, que cada vez se aperfeicoa mais. Todas as fotos estao lindas, me emocionei com a dos babies…. Valeu!!! Deus te deu um dom e voce esta aproveitando o melhor dele, com sabedoria. Um beijo, Nina.