And here is her invitation 🙂

South Florida Newborn Photographer in Boca Raton Florida. Award winning newborn photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, and babies.
Last week I had a pleasure to work with this cute little girl. I had 3 challenges, first was make her feel comfortable with me because she is very shy and attached to her momma, second was get a smiley shot (her mommy said she never smile for a camera, well there is always a first time right?!), third one was make a beautiful invitation for her Minnie Mouse themed birthday party!!! I’m so glad with the results 🙂 Soon I’ll be sharing a picture of her invitation, for now, here are the pictures!!!!
She has the cutest expressions. Look at the beautiful eyes!!!
“If you’ve never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.” ~Audra Fuveo
Spring is a time  for new beginning!
OMG! This is really cute! What a beautiful baby, and I love this song.
LOVE them all!!! By the way… I know that Mama and beautiful girl on your header 😉
LOVE everything, beautiful job and fabulous work Cris! <3
What a handsome little boy!
This cute little guy is one of my baby plans, so you will be seeing pictures of him all year long 🙂 He was all smiles during his session (specially to the girls around him). I can’t believe he already 3 months!!!!
Adorei Cris. Vc é espetacular!