“FAMILY is what happens when two people fall in love!!!”

South Florida Newborn Photographer in Boca Raton Florida. Award winning newborn photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, and babies.
This cute little family came all the way from Brazil to have a fun vacation at Disney world and celebrate little Lucas’ 1st birthday and then they contacted me to photograph this special moment for them and do a cake smash. WE HAD SO MUCH FUN!!!! Here are some of my favorites…
Familia linda e fotos perfeitas,parabéns!!!!
As fotos ficaram lindas demais!! Aliás… a família além de linda é muito especial!
Exemplo de familia. Que Deus os ilumine, proteja e abencoe sempre.
Parabens, lindas fotos.
Adorei ver umas carinhas conhecidas aqui no seu blog, família linda da Gabi!!
Maravilhosas essas fotos
As fotos ficaram show, Parabéns pela linda família!!!! beijos
Coisa mais linda <3
Continue assim.
Que lindos! Parabéns!
¡Qué lindas fotos! El color, las luces… Además son muy dulces y ¡divertidas!
Belo ambiente, belo lugar…
Adoro o trabalho da Cris!! Eh sempre incrivel.. Mas agora, em se tratando desta familia.. realmente me torno “suspeita” em comentar!! Ateh porque Amooo meu afilhado Lucas e acho ele lindo sempre!!kkk As fotos ficaram maravilhosas.. Familia linda!!
Humm, parece ter gosto de bacon!
que bonitinho <3
Realmente… foi uma delícia fazer estas fotos!!! A Criss é perfeita!!! O ensaio foi incrível. Preciso agradecer a assistente da fotografa, a Leandra, minha cumadre, amiga, e “irmã” emprestada!!! Amo muito meus 3 boys!!!
I love the silhouette shot. Great job!
Tive a impressao de que a sessao foi muito divertida! O resultado: fotos muito bonitas!
Fotos maravilhosas!!! Amei!!!!
As fotos ficaram lindas!! Cris seu trabalho foi incrível!! Iluminou ainda mais esta família que tanto amo!! Parabéns e Muito obrigado!!
Fotos com movimento e emoção! Tudo de bom para se falar em família. Que saudade de Lurdes…meu afeto a todos. Ops. Lucas está lindoooo!
“A baby girl… one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys we can ever know, and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness in your world today.” (Unknown)
Such a beautiful session and such a very precious baby.
What a beautiful baby girl. So precious. This is a gorgeous session. I love her hair and her little lips! So sweet!
Excellent job! The pictures are beautifull…
Absolutely adorable pictures and we had so much fun taking these pics with you Cris. Love all the pics and thanks so much!!
This is grandma, They are all such beautiful pictures, my God. Amazing.So sweet.
Lovely and precious. She looks like an angel.
Anchalee, these pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE THEM! Tara is such a little angel! I would love a hard copy of any of them! 🙂
OMG! absolutely amazing pictures. Tara is such a cutie 🙂
Great pictures! Absolutely adorable! Makes me want to become a baby.
Fantastic pictures. Very adorable and precious.
Beautiful pictures of Tara..so hard to choose my favorite!!
Exquisite! You have a great eye for color and posing.
You have done a amazing job capturing the preciousness and beauty of a babygirl! i love it!!!
Ahh my baby! She is so cute. Great pics Cris
Wow! These pictures are truly amazing!
These are just precious Cris!
She is so cute !!!. I’m sure she will be a super model in the future. Good job from your photographer.
So adorable!! She’s like the little angel…share us more precious pics…count me in photoghapher’s and Tara’s follower.
These pictures are precious!
A little angel in the forest. She is so cute and sweet. A precious gift from God.
I reall love those photographs.Tara is really cute.You are so lucky to be a mother of such a beautiful baby.
Adorable baby! Can’t wait to meet her!
Wonderful pictures of the gorgeous little miracle to Anchalee and Gopal!
Awww…such a cutie!!! All of the pictures are amazing 🙂
She toooo cute!!!!
She is so precious. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful pictures.
absolutely Perfect!!!
This is a so cute baby!!
Really nice pictures…. She is such a cutie…
A model is born!
nice pics.. cutie baby Tara
What a little angel baby. I desire all the best for her.
Truly breathtaking. Makes me stop and remember my precious angels at that age. These photos will remind you of your darling daughter at this precious age forever!
“All for one and one for all
My brother and my friend
What fun we have
The time we share
Brothers ’til the end.”
~ Unknown
Isabella is this precious little girl, such a happy soul, I would photograph her all day long! She is only 18 months old but she was really enjoying to pose to my camera, also we had a lot of fun singing and dancing. Her mommy brought a red dress she wore when she was at Bella’s age and we tried to reproduce a photo that she had it walking and clapping hands.
I loooooove every single image from this session!!!!
She looks adorable, I can not believe she can pose like a model at such a young age. Bella and Keity we all love you so much and can’t wait to spend more time together….XOXOXO
amei estar fotos ficarao muito linda
Linda as fotos. Essa modelo mirin e nuito fofa…….
Lindas fotos,linda criança,tudo lindo,maravilhoso..parabens.
Ficaram muito boas as fotos. Muito bem tiradas e de muito bom gosto. Bela & Keity beijos…
OMG! Adorable! Bella looks like she was born to do this,born to shine ! The photos are fantastic ,great work!
mas tambem com essas modelos !!!!!!!!
Lindas fotos parabéns, Isabella uma linda modelo.
Bem natural as fotos, ficaram lindas:)
lindas fotos , como vc e Bella!!!!!!
A modelo é linda e as fotos são perfeitas.
A America mais Baiana que conheço ! Olhos lindos e sorriso de felicidade.
Bella como sempre linda!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lindas fotos
Bella como sempre linda!!!!!!
lindas fotos!!!!!!!!!!1
Love you. :)))
Eu sou suspeita de falar da Bela… Assisti ela vir ao mundo e temos uma conexao especial…. SIMPLESMENTE LINDAS……
Keity ela esta linda parece uma mini modelo!!
Keity, deus abencoe essa menina linda com muita saude e felicidades! Linda
Que menina linda cheia de charme! Vai virar modelo!!!
e simplesmente linda!!!
Ela e linda . Por isso ela gosta tanto de min. Puxa puxa. Rssss
Muito linda as fotos, minha netinha eh a coisa mais fofa!!!! Saudades…
Ficaram lindas as fotos e vcs estao um show! bjs
lindaaaaa….. e já está uma moça!!!
Amei as fotos!!! Bella é a boneca da titia!!! bjs com saudades
Muito linda as fotos e a modelo!!! Parabens!!
hi! just want to drop by and say that you take amazing photos especially the kids’ sets. just love ’em all! I also would like to know what camera and lenses you use to capture these amazing photos! that is, if you don’t mind me asking 🙂
Víctor Araújo Sr - The way that those fotos was performed
was amaizing an I will not doy y to
recomend the photographer to all my
relatives and friends
Luis Ruiz - Great pictures guys! You look amazing
Great shots! Very creative !
Steven Vargas - Love the location. You all look great! I want poster size of just Victor.
Nathasha Mora - Que familia tan bella! Se ven hermosos. Las fotos de Lucas muy divertridas y la del chipilin metido en la cesta esta para comerselo!!!
Isabel Vasquez - Beautiful work!!!! Congratulations. Love the pics.
Mommy - Thank you for the amazing photos…I absolutely LOVE all of them!! I’m so glad I found you–you are now my go-to photographer in FL. Obrigado!! 😉
Carlos Eduardo Araujo - A family is the most beautiful thing a human being can create.
Victoria Araujo - Being born in a loving family is the best thing that can happen to you.
Victor Araujo - Thank you so much for the wonderful pictures Cris!
Loved all of them 😉
Madeline - Beautiful family love & miss u guys
Ricardo araujo - Beautiful pics. Of course great models !!!
Lauren Zilly - These photos are absolutely beautiful! Mom & Dad look like naturals and the boys are adorable; their smiles are infectious! Wish I looked this great photographed. Beautiful family that exudes love.
Gaby - OMG!!! Beautiful pics guys, so natural and the lighting is perfect
The photographer did an amazing job capturing your family’s beauty
Rick Wilson - Congrats Victor!
Those pictures came out great!
Happy Holidays
Angel Limongi - Que buenas que les quedaron las fotos
Pasame los datos Victor
Ariani Alfonso - Ay que preciosas que quedaron las fotos Víctor! Lo mejor es que no son las típicas fotos familiares ni tradicionales.
Están excelentes felicitaciones 😉
Carli - Great pics guys!
They are all awesome
Jorge Luis Torche - Awesome pictures guys !!!! You all look great!!
April Vargad - Beautiful family + photographer = Amazing photos!
kevin oros - Great photos guys! Erika & Vic actually look like models. And the boys are models. Hopefully we can get a copy of the individuals of Lukas and Diego. Miss you guys.
Jaime - We loved all the pics
Beautiful family and excellent photographer
Congrats guys!
Maya Araujo - Que preciosura de fotos!
Congratulations I love all of them
Edgar Galea - Muy lindas fotos, la verdad es que todas quedaron muy buenas
Felicidades Victor, todas estan lindas
Nicki Hernandez - Oh my God! These are beautiful! I love the location and those red jammies! I cant wait for my christmas card :). The lighting is just gorgeous too :).
Rafa - Congrats!
Beautiful pics and very unique
Eduardo Alberto - Great collage of pictures, beautiful family
Congratulations and Happy Holidys friends
Cynthia Estrada - I love your pictures! Lukas looks like he had the most fun. My favorite is the one of y’all sitting on the blanket. I didn’t spot Lukas in that one at first, and Diego looks like a baby “Godfather” haha. Great pics.
Marianella Araujo - Muy lindas las fotos, me encanta la frescura y la alegría que transmiten. Se ve que disfrutaron el momento. Felicidades por esa hermosa familia
Hector - Very impressive work
I’m sure you are very glad and satisfied with the pictures
Enjoy them
Regulo Araujo - Beautiful pictures, all you need now is the girl in a dress to complete the family 🙂
Maria Eugenia tovar - Great pictures,very creative,the whole family looks natural and happy. Congrats to the photographer
Andrea Araujo - All of the pictures look amazing! The photographer did a wonderful job in capturing great shots of your beautiful family.
Jill Aguiar - The pictures are all amazing!! 🙂 We miss you guys!!