Baby Manuela – 6 months and such a happy baby girl, love her!!!!

South Florida Newborn Photographer in Boca Raton Florida. Award winning newborn photographer specializing in maternity, newborn, and babies.
Monique lives in Brazil and is expecting her second child due this summer. She came to South Florida to do some shopping for the new baby and to visit her dear friend Suzane, who is also a valued client of mine. Suzane gifted her friend a beautiful maternity session on the beach. It was touching to see how the two have maintained such a close relationship and connection despite the physical distance.
Nossa, Nique…como vc está linda!!!! Não sabia da gravidez…que Deus a abençoe sempre. (+ e +) Bjs em todos
Soft and beautiful. I’m so impressed, working with twins is not easy!
So perfect, I’m amazed at how magically you work with twins, that must be difficult.
Beautiful! Love that quilt!
Great job! My favorite!!
“Maternal love, like an orange tree, buds and blossoms and bears at once. When a woman puts her finger for the first time into the tiny hand of her baby and feels that helpless clutch which tightens her very heartstrings, she is born again with her newborn child.” ~ Kate Douglas Wiggin
Mari Martinkoski - Linda demais!!!!