I’ve been photographing this Happy Little Guy since he was 2 weeks old and what amazes me the most is seeing him achieving his milestones… Gabriel reminds my kids when they were little babies (He is a nice and easy baby like Victor was and a very happy baby like Bella – after she completed 6 months old by the way – before that she used to cry A LOT!!!). Anyway the session went really smoothly and I had my little helpers working with me and making him laugh… Here is a Sneak Peek…
FERNANDA - Ai amiga, que coisa mais fofa essas fotos!! Amei! Muito obrigada pelo carinho com o meus gostoso! E o seu trabalho,cada dia mais perfeito e profissional! Vc merece muito sucesso! Beijosss
Suzie Houge - Love your blog!